NIC Interface


The TRENTOS NIC interface defines, how a network stack component connects to a NIC component. The interface is provided by a NIC component that implements it and gets used by a network stack component.

The interface consists of:

  • RPC functions to be called by the user of the interface,

  • one shared memory for transmission of data from the user component of the interface to the NIC component (interface provider),

  • one shared memory for transmission of data from the NIC component to the user component,

  • one event emitted by the NIC component to the user component, to signal available data.

A user of the SDK will need to use the if_OS_Nic interface normally only in the following situations:

  1. During the development of a new NIC driver component, likely as part of a platform porting effort.

  2. Integrating a new network stack component or creating a raw ethernet handling component.

The NIC interface with its functions is fully documented in sdk/os_core_api/camkes/if_OS_Nic.camkes. This CAmkES file defines the macros that facilitate the declaration of all the needed CAmkES connectors for both sides of the interface - the interface provider (NIC) and the interface user (network stack).

A NIC driver component will use the following macros:

  • IF_OS_NIC_PROVIDE() as part of its component definition.

A network stack component will use the following macros:

  • IF_OS_NIC_USE() as part of the component definition

  • or IF_OS_NIC_USE_WITHOUT_EVENT() when the event is a shared sink for multiple event sources. In this case, the event is supposed to be declared separately (with: consumes EventDataAvailable <eventName>) from the macro invocation.

A TRENTOS based system will use the following macros:

  • IF_OS_NIC_CONNECT() to connect the network stack to the NIC driver in the assembly{} section defining the CAmkES system. This macro is typically wrapped by a network stack component as can be seen in the usage examples below.


"NIC Interface - Architecture"

"NIC Interface - CAmkES Connectors"

Usage Example

Network Stack (Interface User Component)

The following example is taken from the NetworkStack_PicoTcp.camkes file of the NetworkStack_PicoTcp component. This component makes use of the NIC interface by including the IF_OS_NIC_USE_WITHOUT_EVENT() macro in its component definition.

#include <if_OS_Nic.camkes>
#define NetworkStack_PicoTcp_COMPONENT_DEFINE( \
    name, \
    nic_port_size, \
    other_interfaces) \
    component name \
    { \
        control; \
        /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ \
        /* if_OS_Nic without a dedicated event, because our interface */ \
        /* 'event_tick_or_data' is a shared sink for multiple event sources */ \
        IF_OS_NIC_USE_WITHOUT_EVENT(nic, nic_port_size) \


And in addition, the macro NetworkStack_PicoTcp_INSTANCE_CONNECT() that is also found in the file mentioned earlier wraps around the IF_OS_NIC_CONNECT() macro provided by the NIC interface to connect a NIC driver component instance to the network stack component.

#define NetworkStack_PicoTcp_INSTANCE_CONNECT( \
    inst, \
    nic_inst) \
        nic_inst, \
        nic, \
        inst, \
        nic, \

NIC Driver (Interface Provider Component)

The following example is taken from the NIC_ChanMux component. NIC_ChanMux provides its own user macros for easy component declaration and initialization. As part of these macros, the if_OS_Nic declaration macros are used to provide the if_OS_Nic interface.


#include <if_OS_Nic.camkes>


    _name_, \
    _ringbuffer_size_) \
    component _name_ { \
        control; \
        has mutex mutex_ctrl_channel; \
        /* lower interface to ChanMux ------------------------------------- */ \
        ChanMux_CLIENT_DECLARE_INTERFACE(chanMux) \
        ChanMux_CLIENT_DECLARE_CHANNEL_CONNECTOR(chanMux, ctrl) \
        ChanMux_CLIENT_DECLARE_CHANNEL_CONNECTOR(chanMux, data) \
        /* upper interface as NIC Driver ---------------------------------- */ \
        IF_OS_NIC_PROVIDE(nic, _ringbuffer_size_) \
        /* usage of LogServer is optional ----------------------------------*/ \
        maybe uses      if_OS_Logger  logServer_rpc; \
        maybe dataport  Buf           logServer_port; \
