
Overview and Invocation

The TRENTOS build system uses CMake/ninja and is based on the seL4/CAmkES build system. For certain parameters, e.g. the supported platform or specific build variants, the seL4 and CAmkES documentation must be consulted. The master build script is (residing within the trentos/sdk folder), which supports an out-of-source build for arbitrary OS projects. The script is designed to be started from an arbitrary directory, there is no requirement that it must be executed inside the SDK folder itself.

This script must be invoked as



  • <SDK> is the path to the SDK location of the script, by default <sdk_root_directory>/sdk

  • <OS_PROJECT_DIR> is the path to the OS project to build.

  • <BUILD_PLATFORM> is the target platform (refer to the seL4 build system for further details,

  • <BUILD_DIR> is the folder where the build output will be created in, usually a sub-directory of the folder where the script is invoked in (i.e. the current working directory).

  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=<Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel> is a CMake parameter specifying the type of the build. The build types differ in the following way:

Build type


Compiler flags


Non-optimized build with debugging symbols.



Fully optimized build without debugging symbols.

-O3 -DNDEBUG -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections


Optimized build with debugging symbols.



Size optimized build without debugging symbols.

-Os -DNDEBUG -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections

  • any additional parameters will be passed to CMake.

The script internally invokes CMake with the file <SDK>/CMakeLists.txt. The CMake build performs the following steps:

  • set up the build environment for seL4/CAmkES using <SDK>/sdk-sel4-camkes/helper.cmake

  • build the seL4 microkernel

  • build the CAmkES tools

  • includes a custom file <OS_PROJECT_DIR>/CMakeLists.txt via the CMake function add_subdirectory() that defines the custom OS system to build. The system’s build output will be in the folder <build-directory>/os_system then.

For the content of <OS_PROJECT_DIR>/CMakeLists.txt please refer to the demo systems shipped with the SDK. The Hello World demo is a simple system with just one component that prints "hello world" to the console. The IoT demo is a more complex system that uses various TRENTOS modules. Please refer to the respective demo documentation within the TRENTOS Handbook for further details. A comprehensive explanation can also be found in the CAmkES specific tutorials at

CMake Build System Internals


By default, the build process starts in <SDK>/CMakeLists.txt which executes CMake code to set up things and additionally includes the custom <OS_PROJECT_DIR>/CMakeLists.txt. When OS_SDK_PASSIVE_CMAKE is set to true, then <SDK>/CMakeLists.txt will not execute anything. Instead, all of its functions and macros must be invoked explicitly by a fully customized build process. This feature is used for building the SDK host tools (cpt, proxy and rdgen). Please refer to their CMakeLists.txt files for further details.

C Standard

By default, C11 with GNU extensions is supported.

The CMake build system defines C_STANDARD as 11 which means that the supported C standard is ISO/IEC 9899:2011 with enabled GNU extensions. Hence, the -std=gnu11 option gets appended during the build process to the gcc command line.

C Standard Library

When declaring a component with DeclareCAmkESComponent() it will implicitly include musl libc as the C standard library. musll ibc is built from <SDK>/sdk-sel4-camkes/libs/musllibc.

C++ support

The build system was extended to allow the mixing of C and C++ source code files in a project.

project(tests_hello_world CXX)

        # no include paths needed


  • no standard library and standard template library is available at this moment

    • operators new, new[], delete, delete[] must be implemented by the used if needed (for example as wrappers for malloc from musllib)

  • no exceptions support (-fno-exceptions)

  • no run-time type information support (-fno-rtti)

  • no thread safe statics (-fno-threadsafe-statics)

    • to enable the feature the user must implement the mutex functions and remove the CXX flag

Function os_sdk_setup()

This is a convenience function that takes a header file as a parameter, which holds a system-specific global configuration. The function’s parameters are:

#  CONFIG_FILE <cfg_file>
#    config file, required when using certain components
#    optional, create config project for config file. The project provides an
#    interface library that provides the config file's include path, so the
#    config file can be included in other files also.

It will set up the module-specific defines for configuration files




to point to this single configuration file. These will also set up the include path for the CAmkES files. Please refer to the modules for a detailed description of the configuration options.

As a further convenience, a lightweight CMake interface library can be created automatically, that wraps the include path handling. For a usage example where the file config/my_system_config.h also contains definitions for a system controller component, the main CMake file of a system could contain the following:

os_sdk_setup(CONFIG_FILE "system_config.h" CONFIG_PROJECT "system_config")

project(my_system C)

        my_system_config   # provides the include directory "config"

In the corresponding components/SystemController/SystemController.c the include path is set and the configuration file can be included with:

#include "my_system_config.h"


In a more complex system where one global configuration file is not desired, the content of the function os_sdk_setup() must be implemented manually in the appropriate CMake files.

Adjust the Log Output Verbosity

For TRENTOS Libraries or Components

The TRENTOS log system can be configured with the following settings:

// Debug_LOG_LEVEL_FATAL   2
// Debug_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR   3
// Debug_LOG_LEVEL_INFO    5
// Debug_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG   6
// Debug_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE   7
#define Debug_Config_LOG_LEVEL   Debug_LOG_LEVEL_INFO

// print log level of message as part of the message
#define Debug_Config_INCLUDE_LEVEL_IN_MSG

// print file and line number per message
#define Debug_Config_LOG_WITH_FILE_LINE

// Debug_ASSERT() and Debug_STATIC_ASSERT() use stdlib's assert.h functions
#define Debug_Config_STANDARD_ASSERT

// Debug_ASSERT_SELF(self) falls down to Debug_ASSERT(self != NULL)
#define Debug_Config_ASSERT_SELF_PTR

#include "LibDebug/Debug.h"

Only messages printed with Debug_LOG_xxx() where xxx >= Debug_Config_LOG_LEVEL are actually compiled into the code. If the log message is sent to the system log server, there is also an extensive configuration mechanism there, that allows defining if the messages compiled into the code are shown in the logs eventually.

For seL4/CAmkES Libraries

The seL4/CAmkES libraries console output verbosity is controlled by the CMake variable LibUtilsDefaultZfLogLevel, which will define ZF_LOG_LEVEL used in <SDK>/sdk-sel4-camkes/libs/sel4_util_libs/libutils/include/utils/zf_log.h. The build system will set a default level 2 (ZF_LOG_DEBUG), that is set up in the CMake file <SDK>/CMakeLists.txt. It can be overwritten in a project’s CMakeLists.txt file when using:

// ZF_LOG_DEBUG    2
// ZF_LOG_INFO     3
// ZF_LOG_WARN     4
// ZF_LOG_ERROR    5
set(LibUtilsDefaultZfLogLevel 5 CACHE STRING "" FORCE)

Running System Images in QEMU

The seL4/CAmkES build system creates a system image <BUILD_DIR>/images/capdl-loader-image-<sel4_arch>-<sel4_plat>. The resulting name is not always intuitive, it requires deep insight into seL4. For example, the target zynq7000 will result in the name capdl-loader-image-arm-zynq7000, but for the target rpi3 it is capdl-loader-image-arm-bcm2837. To simplify post-processing and usage, the TRENTOS build system will create a copy of this image under the generic name <BUILD_DIR>/images/os_image.elf. For compatibility with older SDK versions, a copy <BUILD_DIR>/images/os_image.bin also exists and some TRENTOS tools still use this image name. However, this name is reserved for board specific binary system images created from the ELF image in the future.

Note that native seL4/CAmkES tools and scripts use the file <BUILD_DIR>/images/capdl-loader-image-<sel4_arch>-<sel4_plat>. For example, the seL4/CAmkES build system provides a Python script that can be used to run the QEMU simulation. It must be executed from within the build output folder:


and will use the image capdl-loader-image-arm-zynq7000. For stand-alone systems like the Hello World demo, that do not use networking or persistent storage, this is all that is required to run the system.

Networking and persistent storage is implemented via the ChanMux component and a helper Proxy Application that runs on the host system. It connects to QEMU’s virtual serial port and provides a storage backend based on a file and networking capabilities via Linux TAP devices. The TRENTOS SDK provides the script <SDK>/scripts/, which takes the system image as a parameter and optionally a mode used to connect QEMU to the proxy application. Please refer to the Proxy Application documentation for more information.

# start QEMU and connect to proxy app via TCP
sdk/scripts/ ${BUILD_DIR}/images/os_image.elf TCP

ELF Files and Disassemblies for Components or System Images

Besides the ELF files for each component and the system image, the build system will also use the script <SDK>/scripts/ to create a text file with symbol addresses and a disassembly of to support debugging. This disassembly is in the corresponding *.lst file, e.g. <BUILD_DIR>/images/os_image.elf.lst for the system image. For any components, the ELF file is <BUILD_DIR>/os_system/<inst-name>.instance.bin and <BUILD_DIR>/os_system/<inst-name>.instance.bin.lst. The seL4 kernel can be found in <BUILD_DIR>/kernel/kernel.elf and <BUILD_DIR>/kernel/kernel.elf.lst. The ElfLoader can be found in <BUILD_DIR>/elfloader/elfloader and <BUILD_DIR>/elfloader/elfloader.lst.

Static Code Analyzer

By default, the static code analyzer is deactivated when building the system because this increases the build time. It can be enabled by adding the parameter -DENABLE_LINT=ON when starting the build.

