Function Call Tracing

Function Instrumentation

The gcc option -finstrument_functions allows defining two functions that will be injected at the entry and at the exit of functions compiled with that compiler option.

One application of this compiler option is a function call tracing made with standard output.

Debug Functions

TRENTOS provides basic implementations of the instrumentation functions __cyg_profile_func_enter() and __cyg_profile_func_exit() in instrument_functions.c. When including lib_debug those functions are included automatically into the project.

The functions print an entry marker or an exit marker together with the function address when entering or exiting functions compiled with the compiler option.

If a user wants to provide its own implementations, the default implementations can be deactivated in the configuration of lib_debug by defining LIB_DEBUG_INSTRUMENT_FUNCTIONS 0.

Compiler Option

Usually one wants to debug certain components or libraries and the gcc option -finstrument_functions has to be set for the corresponding source files.

WARNING: It is not possible to set the compiler option globally to debug the full system stack because the used standard output via UART is not always available and its throughput is limited.

The activation of the compiler option for a component is straightforward by setting the COMPILE_OPTIONS property for all relevant source files. For a library of type INTERFACE it is easily possible as well without changing the library because it gets compiled together with the component. Otherwise, a modification of the library would be necessary.

Below is an example of how the source files of a component and the source files of a specific library can be compiled with the compiler option. In the example, the source files of the component are available in a CMake variable and the source files of the INTERFACE library are collected into a CMake variable. For each source file, the COMPILE_OPTIONS property is modified to have the -finstrument_functions flag.

        lib_debug # required for instrument_functions.c

# Set gcc option for component source files
        COMPILE_OPTIONS "-finstrument-functions"

# Get source files of INTERFACE library "my_library"
    my_library INTERFACE_SOURCES
# Set gcc option for library source files
        COMPILE_OPTIONS "-finstrument-functions"

Backtrace Function Calls

The gcc option -finstrument_functions is a really powerful feature. Its only drawback is that it is not possible to know the name of the functions at runtime. The arguments of __cyg_profile_func_enter() and __cyg_profile_func_exit() are just the addresses of the current function and its caller.

TRENTOS offers the script sdk/scripts/debug/ to have a pretty and helpful format with function names.

Backtrace Script

The script will display the function names with their nesting level together with the usual standard output logs.

Therefore the script requires the standard output of the system to be redirected to a file. If the system is for example run in QEMU, the QEMU output has to be redirected to a file like qemu_stdout.txt . For the demos in the SDK, only the error output is typically redirected to a file qemu_stderr.txt through the scripts and they, therefore, need to be adapted to use the script.

In addition to the standard output file of the system, the script is called with the symbol file created when building the system. So the script is able to convert the printed addresses into the function names.

Since the script opens the standard output file in a non-blocking way, it is even possible to use it while the system is running. Then the optional timeout parameter should be considered to set an appropriate timeout the script keeps waiting for new input.


The usage of the script is given in its Python documentation:

Backtraces -finstrument-functions markers with function hex addresses into
function names.

The script expects as arguments:
    --stdout_file:  An output file of a system (either still running or not)
                    containing the markers produced by enabling the gcc flag
    --symbols_file: A .lst map file containing the symbols supposed to match the
                    hex addresses
    --timeout:      A timeout (in secs) parameter to exit the script when
                    waiting for new input. Default value is 0.

It will print out the same content of stdout_file but with the markers (with hex
strings inside corresponding to the function addresses) resolved to symbols
(names of the functions) in a human readable format with a layout that
emphasizes the function calls nesting.


Call the script:
./ --stdout_file qemu_stdout.txt --symbols_file

Example Input

With activated function instrumentation, the standard output of the system includes the entry or exit markers and the function addresses (e.g. “0x25a00 {” or “0x25a00 }”) and is used as an input for the script:

Booting all finished, dropped to user space
main@main.c:2125 Starting CapDL Loader...
main@main.c:2127 CapDL Loader done, suspending...
0x25a00 {
0x25950 {
0x2e35c {
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/UART/Uart.c:235: initialize UART
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/UART/Uart.c:295: initialize UART ok
   INFO: /host/httpd/components/Ticker/src/Ticker.c:14: Ticker running
   INFO: /host/httpd/components/NwStack/src/NwStack.c:59: [NwStack 'nwStack'] starting
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/NIC_ChanMux/driver.c:19: [NIC 'nwDriver'] post_init()
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/NIC_ChanMux/driver.c:67: [NIC 'nwDriver'] starting driver
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/libs/chanmux_nic_driver/src/chanmux_nic_drv_cfg.c:167: network driver init
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/libs/chanmux_nic_driver/src/chanmux_nic_drv_cfg.c:182: ChanMUX channels: ctrl=4, data=5
0x2e35c }
0x30fe0 {
0x30fe0 }
0x2e53c {
0x2e53c }
0x25950 }
0x25a00 }

Example Output

An exemplary output of the script shows the function names with their nesting level together with the usual standard output:

Booting all finished, dropped to user space
main@main.c:2125 Starting CapDL Loader...
main@main.c:2127 ESC[0mESC[32mCapDL Loader done, suspending...
_GNUC_init_helper_MHD_init() {
| MHD_init() {
| | MHD_monotonic_sec_counter_init() {
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/UART/Uart.c:235: initialize UART
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/UART/Uart.c:295: initialize UART ok
   INFO: /host/httpd/components/Ticker/src/Ticker.c:14: Ticker running
   INFO: /host/httpd/components/NwStack/src/NwStack.c:59: [NwStack 'nwStack'] starting
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/NIC_ChanMux/driver.c:19: [NIC 'nwDriver'] post_init()
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/components/NIC_ChanMux/driver.c:67: [NIC 'nwDriver'] starting driver
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/libs/chanmux_nic_driver/src/chanmux_nic_drv_cfg.c:167: network driver init
   INFO: /host/trentos_sdk/libs/chanmux_nic_driver/src/chanmux_nic_drv_cfg.c:182: ChanMUX channels: ctrl=4, data=5
| | MHD_monotonic_sec_counter_init() }
| | MHD_send_init_static_vars_() {
| | MHD_send_init_static_vars_() }
| | MHD_init_mem_pools_() {
| | MHD_init_mem_pools_() }
| MHD_init()
_GNUC_init_helper_MHD_init() }